Olitalia's Sales & Marketing Director is the protagonist of the TV programme “Oggi Parliamo di” aired on Teleromagna

Management of the emergency, market trends and growth opportunities: Gianni Tognoni answers the questions asked by Tr24, and summarises how Olitalia has been dealing with this thorny economic period.

It is possible to live, and live standing, even in the worst of times, says Gianni Tognoni, Sales & Marketing Director of Olitalia paraphrasing the recently deceased Chilean writer Luis Sepúlveda. The Director sent a positive message, full of strength and courage, via Teleromagna's cameras.

The TV programme “Oggi parliamo di” is a topical talk show hosting local businesspeople and companies, and Olitalia's Sales & Marketing Director has taken stock of the current situation in a clear and detailed way. He pointed out how the company has dealt with the global emergency, and how it will carry on dealing with it in the future, because "everything will start moving again, but nothing will go back to as it was before".

Tognoni described the Olitalia management plan: from the early decision to choose smart working, to the safety protocols guaranteed in the factories. Tognoni also thanked warmly all the workers who have continued working in the factories, keeping production going. A large part of the interview also focused on market trends and, in particular, on the growth of demand in the food industry, including the market of oils, and the rocketing online sales that encouraged the company to open a new e-commerce channel.

And there's much more: research and development, internationalization, partnerships and possible evolution of restaurants and the catering industry, and other interesting topics in the 20-minute interview that we invite you to watch the video below or at this link: http://www.teleromagna.it/oggi-parliamo-di-olitalia/

Olitalia's Sales & Marketing Director is the protagonist of the TV programme “Oggi Parliamo di” aired on Teleromagna 1